Colombia is where magical realism was born and where the Caribbean coast adventure exists every day! A vibrant, colorful colonial building surrounded by beautiful flowers, pearl white beaches, and turquoise water will make you forget all your problems. The itinerary of the Caribbean coast in Colombia in South America; the Costeño coast has the power to catch and hold the attention of travelers.
Colombia Itinerary is for 12 days on the Caribbean Coast. It will give you a fantastic adventure, including gorgeous beaches, lavish colonial buildings, salsa, and did I mention, adventure? Colombia has to be discovered for its beauty, warm people, and the richness of diversity in nature.

I recommend flying directly into Cartagena de Indias from New York or Florida.
Day 1. Cartagena de Indias & Old Town
On the first day when visiting the city, I recommend going on a free walking tour in the morning and exploring the old town of Cartagena de Indias surrounded by 13 km of original stone walls. The historical atmosphere is very much alive when strolling in the narrow streets and vibrant, colorful red, yellow, and purple buildings. The earlier, the better. The old town is beautiful in the morning light and not dying warm yet.
When you can feel the humidity is taking power, it is time to do what the Costeño do best: go for a generous lunch, including a starter and main meal. After the filling food, it is time for a small siesta in the shade of the heat. It is entirely okay not to do anything between 13:00-16:00. Most people will consider it crazy to be walking around at that time of the day, anyway.

Ultimate Guide to Getsemani the Authentic Neighborhood
For the afternoon, explore Getsemani, the Authentic neighborhood of Cartagena de Indias. In Getsemani, explore the famous plaza Trinidad for some salsa or street food.

Stayed in Getsemani at Casa Venita
Day 2. Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas
Once again, it is time to wake up early and be done before the heat catches you again. It is time to visit the famous Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas, which started in 1657 and extended even more in the mid-18th century. It is the most formidable fortress ever built by the Spaniards in the New World. The Castel has a superb panorama view over Cartagena de Indias.

7 Great Things to Do in Cartagena de Indias
I would recommend splurging on cocktails in Cafe del Mar during sunset hour for nighttime. Cafe del Mar is ideal for people to watch and witness things play out.

Day 3. Playa Blanca & Turquoise Water
Ask your hotel or hostel if anyone can arrange this tour for them. You can either go by 1-hour boat trip or by bus, which is less expensive. Then enter the beautiful white beach and walk to find your spot! Then lie down and grab a coconut either with rum or without. Enjoy this day in crystal clear turquoise water.
If you decided to stay the night, there would be a generator only for electricity, dinner from the sea, and a hammock to sleep in. If you love the Colombian beaches, read 7 Blissful Beaches in Colombia.

Day 4. Pool-Day in Cartagena de Indias
First of all, sleep in! Rest and get your energy back from all the exploring. Go to some pools in one of the many rooftops of Cartagena de Indias, enjoy a relaxing day before traveling to Santa Marta the next day in the morning.

Day 5. Travel to Santa Marta
After a few days in Cartagena de Indias, it is time to explore the surrounding areas. Jump on a bus and head eastward towards Santa Marta, South America’s oldest surviving city. Either stay a day or go directly to Costeño Beach, close to Tayrona National Park. After, you can travel to the Minca that is 3000 feet above sea level in the Sierra Nevada mountains, and have the famous hammocks you have probably seen on Instagram. In Minca, you can explore waterfalls and coffee farms.
Depending on your adventurous side! I prefer the beaches, after a day in Santa Marta, I went to Costeño Beach.
How to get to Santa Marta from Cartagena – Ask your hostel as well for price options.

Stayed at La Brisa Loca
Day 6. Costeño Beach
Welcome to Paradise between the ocean and the jungle. Costeño Beach is the place for doing nothing more than just being. In Costeño, you will disconnect, no WiFi, happy dogs, happy people, and an excellent atmosphere for recentering yourself. If you like surfing or yoga, then Costeño beach offers this experience.
Costeno Beach the Rare & Hidden Paradise

Stay: Costeño Beach Hostel
Day 7. The Tayrona National Park
Costeño Beach is only 5-km from the famous Tayrona national park! By this, the hostel does organize tours from Costeño Beach. I would recommend going for a day trip, even do it is beautiful to stay the night, I would prefer a more convenient stay back at the hostel. Once again, it depends on your adventure spirit.
Day. 8 Costeño Beach
It is a vacation or not? By this, enjoy another day on the beautiful beach, because life is short and we do not need to stress. In 12 days Itinerary, there has to be time for some relaxation. Still, once again, this is a personal matter. Everything depends on your energy for moving around, changing transport, changing the bed, and changing location.

Decisons! Casa en el Aqua Or San Andres Island?
Or Whatever You Like To Do in Colombia!
Decide if you want to keep staying on the mind land or if you want to go exploring the Caribbean islands on the Coast of Colombia. If I had to choose, I would have said San Andres Island. If the budget is tight, going to Casa en el Aqua, Palomino Beach, or Isla Rosario is not the wrong choice either.
7 Blissful Beaches in Colobmia
Day. 9 Fly to San Andres Island
Entering San Andres Island, it is time to slow down even more because everything goes with the flow of things on the islands. Time is no existing concept, don’t worry about time. Either go exploring the main beach or explore some of the other beaches around the island.

Stayed at Bernard´s Place
Day. 10 San Andres & Johnny Cay
Who loves to go beaching and turn into a coconut? Then, take the small boat over to the Johnny cay island in front of the city beach and enjoy a relaxing day in the white sand and the colors of seven seas.
7 Great Things to Do in
San Andres Island

Day. 11 San Andres Island
The last day in San Andres is perfect for shopping since everything is duty-free.

Undiscovered Paradise of Providencia (Secret)
If you have extra days and are already in San Andres Island, I recommend you consider going to Providencia, the Unspoiled Island Paradise in Colombia. Utterly different from San Andres and its tourist crowd. In Providencia, there are almost no tourists, and you have the crystal clear blue beach for yourself. And did I mention that scuba diving is one of the best in the world?

Day. 12 Fly to Bogota or Medellin or Leave Colombia?
The last day of the Caribbean Coast Itinerary in Colombia is the time for making decisions on what to see next? Either take a flight to Medellin or Bogota? The choice is yours to explore!

Caribbean Coast of Colombia
Have You Been or Are You Going?

Colombia er et av mitt favoritt land! Det var helt magisk å få være der i nærmere 90 dager å oppleve landet og kulturen. Colombia er super digg i November eller når det bare er vinter i Norge 😉
Oh my gosh! Det ser heeelt fantastisk ut! Jeg har drømt om Colombia lenge nå, og kjenner jeg ble omtrent tusen ganger mer fristet etter å ha sett/lest dette. Lurer på å ta turen dit i november, eller i løpet av vinteren engang. 😀 Takk for inspirasjon!
Takk, Marianna for hyggelig kommentar 🙂 Håper du hadde det fint på ferie!
Jeg må si at jeg foretrekker kyst livet! Spesielt etter å ha hvert nærmere 5 måneder i Madrid. Colombia er virkelig magisk!
Skulle gjerne vært ved den kysten nå! Riktignok har jeg nettopp vært på ferie i varme strøk i tre og en halv uke, så jeg skal ikke klage, men det hadde likevel ikke vært dumt å være i Colombia nå 😀