Learned the hard lesson back in Australia (2014), exhausted into the first days of my three months travel. Tears and Panic, and asking myself: How would I survive three months of traveling.
Back in Australia, I had a combination of everything or a lack of everything. I had this vision about not having a plan is very cool and easy-going. What a mistake ended up at the most horrible backpackers in my life. Worst of all, I didn’t know how I was going to spend my short time in Australia. I didn’t know how to make the best of it.
What a ridiculous decision to not have a plan. Who do you think you are not to have a plan! Seriously, not researching where to stay can cost you a lot of pain, and more stress then you need.
It was time to solve the problem and make a new path. I ended up planing my adventure and having a great experience in Australia. When you have a plan with: When, where and what, there is less stress and more time to enjoy! My 10 first day in Australia was pain!
When you have limited time, planning is even more critical. You don’t have time to miss the first booking our not catch the first bus.
A good plan makes it an excellent adventure. Of course, I don’t mean that you should plan everything, the things that can make a considerable amount of stress in your traveling should be prepared. It´s individual on what importance a person. Her is what I think is essential to do for reducing stress while traveling.
How to Reduce Stress while Traveling:
Project Planning in Traveling

Plan before going
Reduce Stress and Enjoy more
Preparation gets you ready to travel and reduce stress while traveling
Super big fan of Instagram,
I do a great number of screenshots on what I want to do or go.
Love following other travel-bloggers as you can see.

1. Arrival
How are you getting there? What is the best option bus or..? Do the research it prepares you. I also like to make quick googling on how to get from the local bus station to the hostel and maybe check if the hostel has a pick up from the bus station. If I arrive by airplane, what is the best way to get from the airport to the city, should I spend money on a taxi or are the public buses or train. How much will it cost me? Take out Cash in the ATM for local currency, make sure I have some change, if I’m taking a taxi – Or maybe I pre-booked it before arriving, so I know I could get quickly to my hostel, with no stress.
At departure: I always ask where I’m staying they always know the best option. I love people at the front desk, and they do a fantastic job answering all my question. They are the best, they have all the excellent information and knowledge about the place, so you should use them for it.
Packing list – Hand luggage: Why?
Pack Essential Items that Reduce Stress
Boarding pass, passport, a copy of flight information, copy of transportation and accommodation plans and the address of where you are staying. Necessary for immigration in many countries. Easy to point the address to a taxi driver. Also if your phone is flat on battery, you still have the information.
Underwear, change of clothes, toothbrush – toothpaste, deodorant, face wipes, and facial cream,
Snacks – Nutrition bars or something that can keep you alive in desperate times, and a water bottle.
Ear plugs, eye mask and a big scarf (215 cm x 90 cm). I have an alpaca scarf it has saved me so many times where the air-conditioning has been terrible. (I usually don’t keep it warm with the one I get at the airplane, sometimes they don’t have more blankets). Just bring a big scarf, it is always nice. It is my best travel product.
2. Accommodation
Accommodation is a significant part of your travel planning. Housing is where you are supposed to get some more energy. You don’t want to be in a crazy backpacker, where you can never sleep because it´s always a party. Or if you like a party all the time, then go for it.
I need my beauty sleep so I can go on crazy adventures in daylight as well. So do some research on how it looks like, what people are saying and how is the place to everything. Do you get any free breakfast and WiFi?
If you are traveling long-term at one destination, book the first day or two. In that case, you have time to look around and find out which neighborhood/area you should spend your time.
3. Activities
What should you do in your new place? What are the best activities the destination has to offer?
Have quick research before going, so you don’t have to spend a whole day figuring out on what you want to do. I will assume most people do this. Since I was in Australia with no plan and no idea on what to do, so I’m just saying – Google it.
I did know I wanted to see the Opera house in Australia and Bondi beach, that was pretty much it. Seriously, terrible travel planning.
Another important part is that you have saved enough money to do all these fun activities you want to do. Best to do some research on how much money you need to save before going. Skydiving and scuba diving is not free neither surf lessons.
Make a list: Restaurants and other activities that are of interest. Then you don’t have to be lost when arriving and don’t know what to do.
When You are Prepared
You Reduce Stress & Have More Fun

Ja, jeg er veldig for å ha det easy going, men har etter hvert forstått at det krever faktisk litt planlegging 🙂 Man lærer så lenge man reiser 🙂
Massevis av gode tips du har her! Jeg liker også å planlegge en del i forveien, så slipper jeg alt stresset med å finne ut av dette når jeg kommer fram. Da får jeg heller tid til å nyte tiden min på reisemålet 😉