The best thing about being in Sri Lanka, is the diversity. After 14 days being on the beach in Mrissa and enjoying the sun. It was time for some more exploring and action. We went discovering the highlights of Ella in Sri Lanka´s hill country with our backpacks. That´s spectacular view among all the mountains and all the lush green tea garden. We were once again amazed by this country. Welcome to the hill country of Sri Lanka, the air is clean and the stars are bright. The streets dog of Little Adams peak will all become your friend by the end of the night (If you like dog, of course). My best girl friend ended up being Cesar millan in Sri Lanka with the Adam´s peak dog´
Ella in Sri Lanka’s hill country
This Adam´s peak dog actually walked with us the whole way up to Little Adam´s peak
Ella in Sri Lanka is the small town for action
These 7 highlights of Sri Lanka are created in Ella, a small village that is 1 041 MASL, Ella is surrounded by hills and covered with lush green forest and tea plantations. Because of the height it get´s a cooler climate, so bring a jacket. On a clear day in Ellla you can see Great Basses lighthouse on the south coast, on not clear day only the hill but still beautiful . Ella in Sri Lanka is not a place for doing nothing, it is the place for action and exploring. This is the place where you discover more of Sri Lanka´s beauty.
1. Little Adam´s Peak
On the top of Little Adams Peak with Ella Rock behind.
When you are in Ella in Sri Lanka´s hill country, you have many options when it comes to hiking mountains. One of the things you should do is little Adam´s Peak. It requires maybe two hours up and down. You get a beautiful view over the valley and the surroundings, that are lush and green. If you are lucky, a dog will take you on the trip. If not a Sri Lankan friend (maybe they then want money after). In our case; he just actually wanted to walk with two girl to the top, we were surprised. You can easily walk it by yourself.
We decided to do Little Adam´s Peak , since we were doing the Adam´s Peak the day after. We wanted to save our legs for Adam´s peak, which is five time harder – I think. You should do the Ella Rock, if you have time for more hiking! Everybody say´s it ´s outstanding.
2. Amazing Massage
When being in the Sri Lanka´s Hill country you have to take a massage. First because you support the local community, then the second it will send you to heaven and return back as a baby. That massage was one of our best massage. In general all the massages in Sri Lanka, was really good. Enjoy a massage and support the local community.
3. Eat Local Curry
This is the only way in Sri Lanka, except from Colombo. When traveling around you should eat the local curry, then you know the food will be tasty and insane good. You will not be hungry before 5 hours after. The local curry, comes with 3 vegetarian dishes, my favorite is pumpkin curry, then 1 fish dish, 1 chicken dish and a huge bowl with rice. Eating local you get the best price, you get the best food and you are supporting the community. Eating international you get disappointed and have to pay a higher price.
4. Visit a Tea plantation
Sri Lanka´s gift to the world is tea
The tea factory we went visiting in Ella, Sri lanka
When being in Ella in Sri Lanka, you have to go and discover the home to were all the beautiful tea are coming from. It is great experience to see the process, and learn more about how they produce and export it. Sri Lanka is number 4 in the world when it comes to producing tea and the tea industry employs over 1 million people in the country. In Sri Lanka, there is more love for a tea drinker than coffee. Let´s be honest the tea in Sri Lanka is way better than the Coffee. Even I started to drink tea there.
5. Dova rock temple
After visiting the tea plantation, take a tuk-tuk or the local bus to Dova Temple. From the road you will see place where cars stop to pray and maybe a Buddhist Munk. This is where you jump-of. Or if not you will have detour to the city of Bandarawela. Which was also interesting, not much to see except from the market. Dova temple has a stone Buddha Statue that is about 36 feet in height, which is incredible to see. If in Ella, go and walk around bare feet on holy ground.
6. Adam´s Peak Climb with 5 381 steps
Located in the southern hill county, you can take the train from Ella, to the train station that is closest to the town of Adam´s peak, from there a tuk-tuk to your guesthouse. We deiced that it was fun going with our two new Sri Lankan friend. Adam’s peak Climb is a A unique travel moment. This trip must be on your list when going to Sri Lanka. The reward is a beautiful moment with the prayers of the Sri Lankan Buddhist people praying for the sun and a new day. Sunrise above the sky.
7. Train ride from Kandy to Colombo
This is in Kandy, I have to put it on my list, because it is the most beautiful train ride in Sri Lanka. Crossing all kind of small places and mountains, tea plantation and so many interesting people jumping on and of singing or talking. For the cultural experiences go for this one.
Last word about the 7 Highlights of Ella in Sri Lanka
If you don´t know where to go in Sri Lanka, then you should put Ella on your list. It is a beautiful part of Sri Lanka, shouldn’t be missed out on your travel. Spend maybe 2-3 days in Ella enjoy some outstanding hiking, delicious tea and curry’s to the locals. If you want, maybe someone will let you drive there Tuk-Tuk down the Ella mountain. Which is very scary by night, but also maybe the coolest thing I did in Sri Lanka. Why backpack in Sri Lanka? It is great value for money and you can almost see the whole country in 3 weeks. This why I love the country, it is small but you can still feel the enormous richness of diversity.
Have you been or want to go to Ella in Sri Lanka?
Hei, Mette!
Sri Lanka, kan man alltids dra tilbake til
Det er et fantastisk land med så mye variasjon på så lite areal, det overrasket meg veldig. Plutselig er man tilbake på Mirissa Beach og drikker kokosnøtter til frokost.
Det har vi
Hei, Pauline!
Jeg ser vi har vært samme sted
Dessverre fikk ikke jeg tatt tog-turen til Kandy – og Adams peak skulle jeg også gjerne fått med meg. Må vel rett og slett dra tilbake, tenker jeg
/ Mette
Supert! Riktig god uke!!
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Ha en fantastisk helg!
Fint om du husker å få med lenken til de andre Sri Lanka sidene som jeg har lenket til i posten som f.eks. Mirissa Beach. Google liker det
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