Many of us do love to travel, and with that comes the risk of food poisoning. Because we love to eat and taste different things worldwide when traveling, and sometimes shit goes down, literally, and we get food poisoning.

When Food Poisoning Becomes Real on Travel
You got food poison, and your vacation or long time traveling is suddenly hell. What do you need to do to fight food poisoning? After many years of traveling, I have been hospitalized three times. The first time I managed to turn it around myself. I can say that I have picked up some hacks. I have had food poisoning in Sri Lanka (Chicken), Colombia (Red meat), Dominican Republic (Swimming in freshwater?), Italy (old milk), and Spain (Paella – Seafood). Last in Norway (Oyster). Just eat Vegetarian and life will be better, the easy solution.
Food Poisoning Survival Guide
1. Best Rule for Food Poisoning is to THROW UP
If you are noticing you did eat something bad, try throwing it up instantly, in that case, it will not go through your system, and the worst part is only throwing up, and hopefully, you stopped it for going through the whole system and turn your next days into a nightmare. Hopefully, if you throw up early and get everything out, that will be the entire story of the food poisoning.
2. Food Poisoning is Inside Your System
If food poisoning is inside your system, you have to get it out. Don’t try to force it in. It would help if you let the body purify itself and get rid of what’s inside. Lock yourself down in the hotel room – bathroom. And get the work done. No traveling.
3. Food Poisoning Requires Dehyration on Highest Level
Hydration is the most important thing to do when fighting food poisoning. Keep hydrating the body, and it needs electrolytes and all the help it can get (Adults can drink fluids such as Gatorade with electrolytes). Best for the stomach and the body is coconut water or electrolytes that you can buy at the pharmacy (you should have them before traveling, you don’t have to go anywhere if you get food poison). Especially if traveling alone, you need an emergency kit because maybe you don’t have people to help you. Or you can not reach the pharmacy on your own. Remember, if you can’t get fluid in, either stop it getting out, talk to a doctor on the phone. Dehydration can be dangerous. You don’t want kidney damage or other hazardous effects due to a lack of fluid in your body.
4. Gentle food How to Recover from Food Poisoning
Baby-step. Start by eating gentle things for your stomach. I recommend banana, papaya, rice with salt and olive oil, and egg whites. Pumpkin seeds and papaya seeds (crush them) are anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic.
First, try small, light meals and stick to bland foods – such as toast, crackers, bananas, and rice – until you begin to feel better.
Soft and bland are the bananas, but rich in nutrients and also have electrolyte stores as well.
- Can aid digestion and help beat gastrointestinal issues
- Give you energy – minus the fats and cholesterol
- One of the best fruit sources of vitamin B6
- Respectable sources of vitamin C
It is excellent to give your stomach something to work with, and that is without pulling too much stress on the stomach—blend and reasonably easy to digest. My favorite is rice with healthy olive oil (not too much, because fat is hard for the body to digest) and salt. Then if I know the eggs are healthy, I will add egg whites to my meal.
Also, papaya had on an empty stomach is known to clear the digestive tract of toxins and smoothen the bowel movement due to digestive enzymes. It can’t hurt to eat papaya. Don’t overeat! Small pieces!
- Papaya seeds are efficacious in treating human intestinal parasites and without significant side effects. Their consumption offers a cheap, natural, harmless, readily available monotherapy and preventive strategy against intestinal parasitosis, especially in tropical communities. Journal of Medicinal Food Vol. 10, No. 1
Proffesional Help & Food Poisoning
5. Go to the doctor
Don’t drag it too long before seeking professional help. If after two days there is no improvement. Go and see a doctor. Sometimes you only need to get an IV of liquid, but sometimes the body fights infection and needs help from professionals. Accept help, and then later, you recover from the medicine, drugs, and parasites.
When to see Professional Medical Help
If your symptoms are severe:
- If you’re unable to keep down any fluids because you are vomiting repeatedly
- Your symptoms don’t start to improve after a few days
- You have symptoms of severe dehydration, such as confusion, a rapid heartbeat, sunken eyes, and passing little or no urine
6. Recover From Food Poisoning
After recovering from food poisoning, you can maybe feel that your stomach has changed. It is not the same. Perhaps you can’t drink milk or eat chicken without having some reaction in the stomach. Depending on the level of the food poisoning, most likely, your gut balanced is disturbed drastically. First from the parasites and the infections from the food poisoning and secondly from the heavy medicine you used to combat the sickens in the body. If the doctor put you on antibiotics and you are female, probably more of the entire balance in your body is out of balance. We are talking about down there, and maybe even the mouth? Antibiotics kill everything, even the good bacteria in the body.
Probiotics for Gut Health
I recommend checking out probiotics if you struggle to find back to your typical gut health after being attacked with bacterias and parasites. You must, of course, find the one that suits your need. For overall health support, look for Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, or Saccharomyces boulardii. Or, if you don’t feel comfortable with supplements, try eating fiber-rich foods, which promote the growth of friendly bacteria – Greek Yogurt, Sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha.
7. DETOX & Parasite Cleansing
Suppose you had proper food poisoning. I highly recommend that you consider doing a detox and a parasite cleansing of your body to get your body back in balance. The best way to recover from food poisoning after traveling is a proper clean of the internal system, get rid of any parasites or other harmful bacteria that disturb your balance of energy and well-being.
How to do Detox & Parasite Cleansing?
I would recommend hiring a DETOX Ninja like my friend Anniken, who knows how to get deep into the gut and remove those parasites from the body and the internal system. I did this after my food poisoning in the Dominican Republic. In this way, I recovered faster than ever from food poisoning. It is one month with a parasite cleanse protocol for removing them with a robust herbal mix and other supplements to support the body and the gut. After the cleanse, my body and toilet routine were back to normal or even better, and energy was up, and I didn’t have the trouble of being fatigued. My body was back on track. Which was a huge relief, due to other times with food poisoning,
Long Time Recovery
I have been struggling for one to two years with getting my stomach back to shape and even finding a good balance of eating and going to the toilet. Food poisoning can sometimes be easy, but sometimes they are much more than just two days. If you have been with food poison, be kind to your body, and don’t push the system, it went through hell, which takes time to recover from, especially if you have a sensitive stomach beforehand. I highly recommend looking for a more profound way of recovering after food poison; it truly gives a more happy stomach and more energy. Who wants to worry about the balance of the stomach and toilet visit if you don’t have to.
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