If you are staying in Norway and want some breathtaking nature and a great challenge, you should go hiking in some of our mountains that are suitable for your level of fitness.
Facts about Hiking Lauparen near Ålesund, Norway
The hike to Lauparen in the Alps of Sunnmøre is a day trip from Ålesund or even Geiranger Fjord.
Lauparen is 1434 MASL.
Hiking Lauparen requires 6-7 hours and you need to have a medium level of fitness and endurance.
It’s a classic that every person from Sunnmøre has to do the hike ones during their lifetime.
You are rewarded with a fantastic view of the surrounding alps and fjords. On a good day, it’s stunning.

Hiking Lauparen and How to Preform the Hike
Arrive with the Car to Start-Point
I would recommend a car. From Ålesund, you drive to E39 Sjøholt; after this, you take a right to Geiranger and Stordal. After 7,5 km, you will arrive at a small place with the name Vaksvik – You will be turning left when you see the sign of Vaksvikfjellet. Then drive 6 km, then turn right to Grytalisetra – Then park with the cabins. Remember to bring 20 Kr for the parking fee.
Hiking Lauparen 1434 MASL
Then you have 7 km to walk to Lauparen. You will start easy with a lovely ground, and then you will turn onto rocks. Then after an hour, you will walk into the beautiful water – Grytavatnet. Keep following the path. Then up the hill. At the top of the hill, you are at 998 MASL. Then you have the worst part left. Then you have 400 MASL in 1 km. Heavy shit! Then you will be rewarded with a spectacular view from the top. The last 400 meters are the challenge because some part is almost claiming.
When we were walking we could see the path easy. We were also looking at the other people walking before us were to walk next. This was a Sunday, the busiest day for walking in the Norwegian Mountain. I wold recommend to get this book Turbok for Ålesund og Omegn– It gives a description of the tour in Norwegian, but also have pictures with green arrows to follow.
Returning: Prepare yourself that from the water – Grytavatnet back to the car, it´s a long walk. It almost seems never-ending. Make sure you have the energy for your return.
Culture When Hiking in the Norwegian Mountains
Normally in Norway, we don’t speak to strangers, but the mountains are an exception. We say: God tur – Have a nice trip or We say Hei, which means Hello, it is just polite when you are crossing the path to each other. You can always talk about the weather with Norwegians and about how great nature is and the hike. Final saying: God tur! Remember to bring nistepakke (Food) and water.
Tips when hiking in the Norwegian Mountains.
I did the hike in August. May is the best month in Norway. It will not be to warm. Maybe some snow on the top, but I dont think so. Excited for your travels to Norway! Welcome to my country 🙂
Hi Pauline! May I know when did you do the hike? I am going to Norway in early May this year and was wondering if I can do this hike. Thank you! 🙂
Tusen takk for det 🙂 Ingenting slår Norge, når det er finevær og godt selskap. Sender deg en epost, for å få litt mer informasjon.
Hei Pauline! For en fantastisk blogg – og ikke minst lekre bilder av Norge. Lite som slår Norge i finvær altså! Hadde vært kult å ha deg med som en av våre travelfemmes, og hatt deg som bidragsyter, Send meg gjerne en e-post, så kan jeg gi deg mer info 🙂 Ha en fin dag!