In any country, it takes time to learn about different ways of interacting in daily life. There are always things that are unique to the country. Being a true Norwegian Viking, I will give you some insightful tips on Norwegian people’s habits, beliefs, and everyday lifestyle. And how to become a real Norwegian Viking. There are some things you can do that will provide you with immediate acceptance into Norwegian Society.

15 Tips on How to Become A True Norwegian Viking

1 Eat Brunost Like a True Norwegian
Brunost or for non-Norwegians, we will call it brown-cheese. Truth to be told, most likely, you have never tasted this flavor on cheese before arriving in Norway. You are welcome to this new sensation of cheese flavor. Either you love it or not. But try to love it, and try to put it on waffles or even matpakke (another Norwegian concept). Eating brunost is like a statement of understanding the Norwegian culture and our way of life.
2 Light Candles Because it is KOSELIG, Not Romantic
We have a special relationship with the winter darkness and candles during wintertime in Norway. Norwegian’s love lighting up 155 candles in the time of darkness to make it koselig and somehow make the winter more livable. It is not a romantic gesture. It’s more a gesture for surviving the winter darkness.
3 Matpakke is the Homemade Lunch
Norwegian’s are all about being economical, and by this, they bring matpakke to work or hiking in the mountains. Matpakke often consists of Norwegian bread with pålegg – BRUNOST, Jarlsberg cheese, or jam or other good things to put on the bread slice – sandwich. Then they have food whenever the hunger arrives, so damn prepared.
4 Norwegians are Obsessed with Sunlight, so Should You Be
You will not understand the importance of sunlight before your second winter in Norway. Then you will realize the fuzz about the sun. When you haven’t seen the soon in maybe a week, you will take the first chance to enjoy it. And in Norway, there is an unwritten rule that if the sun is out, you take advantage of the sun. Have lunch outside, go early from work, or drink utepils (beer) in the sun. If someone never told you, it is vital to take D-vitamin when living in Norway during winter.
5 Søndagstur – Sunday Trip with Family or Friends
Maybe my favorite concept of all concepts in Norway. Sundays in Norway are to spend quality time with your loved ones. The shops are closed, and all you can do is explore the wonders of Norway. By exploring, we mean the famous Sunday hike or stroll. Oslo’s most notable walk is from Sognsvann to Ullevålseter, around 5 km and, has a beautiful walk in the forest. I highly recommend performing the hike on any Sunday during the year.
6 Norwegian Waffle with Brunost
Any Norwegian can make waffles, and different family or regions has other recipes. They should be sweet. My favorite secret ingredients are to add vanilla custard sauce and, of course, cardamom. Now you can practice your recipe. When it comes to eating the waffles, Norwegian mostly stays to butter, Brunost, strawberry jam, and sour cream. I’m fascinated with my non-Norwegian friends’ creativity that put everything on it, like white cheese, yogurt, and salad. Who could believe that non-Norwegians would cultivate my take on the waffles? That’s the beauty of international friends.
7 No Bad Weather Only Bad Clothing
If you are coming to Norway, this will soon become your number one principle to live by because we don’t have bad weather in Norway, only bad clothing. By that, you have to be prepared with the right clothing in Norway. Even when it is raining, you are still going on the Søndagstur. The authentic charm of Norwegian culture and natural beauty. I even wrote a whole article about the Concept of Clothing in Norway.
8 Norwegians Love The Art of Talking About the Weather
Many people arriving in Norway say that Norwegians are not doing well in small talk. Have you ever tried talking about the weather? Norwegian’s can talk about the weather in multiple ways, and it is always an acceptable topic for small talk in Norway.
9 Norwegians Speak English Very Well
Norwegians grew up with English TV, including Friends, Baywatch, and even Downtown Abbey. We start practicing in 2nd grade. Therefore you will speak English well with any Norwegian. If you want to impress a Norwegian, you should learn the basics of Norwegian words to keep us delighted by your hard work for learning Norwegian. We love supporting people learning our language.
10 Don’t complain. It’s not the Style of Norwegians.
Norway is a nation that doesn’t complain. Norwegian’s are not used to complain about small things. Even big things are only complained about if they are vital for the person. Don’t complain, remember living in Norway is pretty amazing. Norway is number five to be the World’s happiest country globally, right behind Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, and Iceland. If you didn’t know, Norway is the Most Lustful Country in the World. We have the most orgasms in the World.
11 Friday Taco is Almost More Norwegian then Mexico
Mexico and Norway are very different countries. We have one thing in common, and that is the love for tacos!! Norwegians taco is very different from the Mexico taco. The Norwegian taco is still impressive if you ask me – the Norwegian, hehe. Try to get into the taco Friday and enjoy this Norwegian experience.
12 The Cabin Life
The most famous Norwegian word is maybe hytte, which means cabin. The Norwegian people love the cabin and cabin life. It is Norwegian culture on another level. You are not integrated into the Norwegian Society before spending a weekend at the cabin with Norwegian friends. The cabin life test is firing up the wood oven and enjoying the crackling sound of fire.
13 Norwegians are Born with Skis On Their Feet
Norwegians are born with skies, you are not, but you should give it a go. The best way for easy integration to Norway is that you learn how to cross-country-ski. Norwegians will then invite you to the cabin, søndagstur, eat matpakke together, eat waffles, and most of all, talk about the weather and life in general. Even practice Norwegian with you. By accepting the challenge of skiing, you are more likely to become accepted by the Norwegian people.
14 Nature Therapy is a Real Thing in Norway
Norweigan’s has the perfect balance between work and free time. And most Norwegians crave nature in their free time, and by that go hiking, skiing, and sometimes enjoying the sun. Learn to appreciate nature, and the Norwegians will accept you.
15 Appreciative of Being Norwegian
Most Norwegians are humble humans being, and by that, we are very much aware of our luck being born in Norway. We are aware that we are born into freedom, richness, and peace. We try to respect this great opportunity by taking care of our nature, people, and the future. If you are lucky to visit or are living in Norway, well, enjoy the blessing. Please pick up the trash in nature. Don’t leave a mark where you go. Enjoy Norway.
The last thing, don’t wear shoes inside if you are invited to a private home. Remember, we have too much weather in Norway to walk around with dirty shoes inside our lovely homes.
I just found out I’m Norse through DNA 53%