The postcard blog post is about my personal opinion and experience about the travel, and later I will share more travel related blog posts. First, my experience in Cuba, which was lush and brilliant on many levels, and in some levels test of my patient.

Why Travel Solo to Cuba
I decided to go alone to Cuba, because I felt this was a solo trip material, sometimes I want to experience the country without anyone putting their opinion on my mind. I went to Cuba to create my own view of this ever discussed country when it comes to traveling. We all know the phrase “Need to go before Cuba changes,” I will say more about that lather.
Also, when going alone, I can do all the crazy things I like to do. Marching for José Martí in the streets of Havana with young Cuban people and dancing at the Malecon. Learn to play domino and know how to smoke cigars with honey as the natural filter. Horseback riding for five hours in Trinidad, Go to the beach in Playa Larga, and best of all being me!
How Many Days in Cuba
I went for a 10-day trip to Cuba, and personally, it was too short, but at the same time, it was the perfect amount of time due to the struggle of public transportation and sometimes food cravings.

First Impression of Cuba
My first lesson about going to Cuba as a solo female traveler was how safe I felt. I’m mesmerized that even in Havana’s hustle and bustle, I felt completely safe, I also walked home at 02.00 from the Malecon with 0 problems and neither fairs. I can honestly say that Cuba is maybe one of the safest countries I have traveled in as a solo female traveler. I never worried about my security, which is a blessing. It’s much easier to have fun when my surroundings are safe and secure.
How are the Boys Treating You?
Then the next question, everyone is asking how are the boys treating you?
The Catcalling in the street is the mildest form; I have experienced in a Latin country.
Yes, they do approach, and yes, they do complement your eyes or whatever they like. I was always respected, even when I did not need a Cuban boyfriend.
The worst catcalling countries for me are Argentina and Colombia. I think you have to laugh at it because at least they are trying. You can not say the same about the cold Vikings from Norway.
I love talking and laugh with them; even the 80-year-old men on the bench in the park were also wondering if I needed a Cuban boyfriend. For me, that is mostly fun and cute.
I was never respected poorly in Cuba for traveling alone as a female. I think by now I have five boyfriends in Cuba, one in every place I visit.

How is the Food in Cuba
Then the other important question: food. If you are planning to go to Cuba to indulge in food, you should instead go to Lima in Peru. Cuban food is fine; it has rice, beans, and either chicken, pork, or fish as protein. It is not anything fancy, and it’s not spicy, but they do have lobster in many places, which is a treat. They have excellent Pina Coladas and Mojitos. Do not go to Cuba and think you will have a culinary breakthrough. I planned five days to Mexico after Cuba to eat Tacos in all different spicy flavors.

How is Communication in Cuba?
Then the language barrier, I do speak Spanish, and that made my trip very funny because communication in the same language is more fun and easy. I did meet other travelers that did move around the island with only English and very basic Spanish, and they were fine. I could see their frustration sometimes when the language came to short. If communication and understanding are essential, maybe go on an organized tour.
First Impression of Havana

Walking around in Havana was as many say walking back in time, I would also say walking in Havana is walking in a big piece of history, because you can see that there was the peak of glory, that gave a lot of greatness to the city. Still, today the city is left in some sort of melancholy and tragedy.
Cars from 1952 are driving around, and the old buildings have for some a beautiful facing. We can say it is charming, but are you then aware of the brutality of the old buildings?
If you open your eyes and look inside, you see that people are living in the buildings that, at any minute, can collapse.
As a tourist, you can say that the old buildings bring charm and are authentic, but the reality is that Cuban people are dying because the houses are not safe, and when I was in Cuba, three little girls died when playing in an old building that suddenly collapsed.
Are you then aware that what Cuba needs is a change of structure? The Cuban people need a change, and they need those old buildings to get rebuilt. In that way, people can have safety in their own homes.
Vintage Cars from 1952
The cars from 1952 driving around are all cool and very authentic, and all about the Cuban charm, but for me, is another way of seeing how behind the development of the country has gone. The electric car is the new standard in Norway and has 58 % of all car sales. I know it is not a fear comparison but also puts things in perspective.
I started my travel first in Havana with three days of walking around and exploring. In this short time, I went on the fantastic march of José Martí that is a celebration of the poet, but also nationalism. It was one of my highlights in Cuba. Many young people gathered together and being one for the poet and the country because Cuba is everything.
¡Viva la Cuba!

Furthermore, I went on a walking tour of the old city center to indulge even more in the history of Cuba. The most interesting part is the continuing struggle to be an independent country. The best of this guided tour was that I did the entire tour in Spanish, for me, that was liberating reward; my Spanish skills are still intact. I did the obligated tour about history, which I was grateful that I did.
A Brighter Future with Airbnb Experience
Other fun tours I did were the rooftop hopping with Robin. We went and discovered some of the best views of Habana and also mojitos. I was alone on this tour, but Robin was right there to be my Cuban boyfriend for the next hours. Robin, as my new good boyfriend, was taking all the pictures of me and was making sure I got all the good Instagram photos. What I also loved about this tour was that I could understand how Robin finally had made himself a better future in Cuba. The Airbnb experience has opened up for many more locals to create a great experience for tourists visiting Cuba, instead of giving my money to a big travel company. Roberto received my money, which I think is an excellent way of being a more responsible traveler.
Robin’s experience: Havana’s Best Rooftops Views in a Convertible Car + Drinks · Havana

Robin is 35 years old and finally, have enough money to sustain his own apartment. Which, I was invited to for his second AirBnB experience of the night, which was to play Dominio, smoke cigars, and drink rum! In this experience, I did meet a group of four gentlemen from Taiwan. It was hilarious playing domino with them and Roberto, first we put the pieces easy on the table without thinking, and then we understood it’s smart to think about the strategy when putting the pieces down, that’s how you win.
Robin’s experience: Pre-Game in a Cuban Home with Domino, Vitamin R & Cigars
The Lush Green Valley of Vinales
After three days in Havana, I traveled to the picturesque countryside of Cuba, which is Vinales. After around 2.5 hours in colectivo – shared car, I arrived at the valley of lush greenery and complete tranquility.

Horseback Riding
I had no time to lose; I went straight for the horseback riding. Arriving at the farm, I was given first one horse, and then he changed horse with me since I wanted a faster pony, a gentleman!

In the middle of the valley, I was 12 years old again galloping in the field of a tobacco plantation and ready to check out the viewpoint at the top of the hill. I arrived and was in peace, and I was in my flow zone, where time passes most smoothly. On the way back, I had a stop in the tobacco plantation, and the guide asked me two times if I was aware of my eye color is intense, well, it’s ordinary in Norway. Anyway he managed to focus in the end, and we had a fun talk about Vitamin R, which is rum and cigars, I had to smoke a cigar when being in a tobacco plantation even do I do not smoke. You know what? When smoking a cigar with honey as the natural filter, it was the smoothest thing I have tried, surprisingly lovely.
The Tourist Bus of Vinales
The next morning in Vinales, I went on the tourist bus to “hop on and hop off around the town. I really don’t like the segregation between tourists and Cubans. As a tourist you cannot use local transport in the area, you need to use assigned buses for tourists. I went on the tourist bus, and went to a viewpoint of the valley; Captured many photos of the valley. Further, on to the painting at the rock of the mountain, honestly not impressed.

This Mexican/ Swiss guy convinced me to hop off with him to go exploring a fantastic viewpoint up in the hill, as a Norwegian I’m always up for a hike. We found Roberto the new guide that was willing to take us to the viewpoint; we started on the route with the horse wagon and then preparing ourselves for hiking for one hour. Along the way, we were passing other locals, and they say that today was not a good day to go to the viewpoint, due to the national police being there to catch a man living at the viewpoint for doing bad things towards the government on the internet. Everyone said not to go there, and when locals say wen need to make a new plan. Well, we then had to make a plan B, which was the best plan.
Best Pina Colada in Cuba
Our new destination was to discover the best Pina Colada in Vinales and Cuba. When we arrived at this little hut in the middle of nowhere, I was surprised that this was the spot for the best pina colada in Cuba. The girl in the hut suddenly had to work, and then 20 minutes later – three glasses richly filed to the top with natural and organic pineapple, coconut, honey, and cinnamon. I was ready for this tasting of this divine pina colada, but first, I had to stir hardly around with the straw to make the honey disappear in the drink. My first taste of paradise! The creaminess and the richness of sweet pineapple fruit was a taste of perfection. I have to say pina colada has never been the same! I was sad when I finished my cocktail.
Vinales was maybe my favorite place in Cuba; I wished I had more time there. I did not have time to go to the beach! Which I wanted, but then again, there is always next time. After 48 hours in Vinales, I woke up early and went on with the colectivo to Playa Larga or the Pigs bay. The drive from Vinales to Playa Larga takes around 5 hours with a short stop in Havana, before going further on.
Playa Larga & Pigs Bay
I have to say Playa Larga, is kind of a disappointment. Yes, it is a beautiful and tranquil place. I do not understand why to stay at this place if having a short time. I did decide to visit one day and see the fuzz. The beach is not Caribbean, the sand is yellow, and the ocean is black. It was beautiful, being able to relax an entire day at the beach just doing nothing.

A Cuban Day – Nothing Going as Planned
The next day, I planned to leave with the bus to Cienfuegos from Playa Larga, which was a bad mistake. Little did I know that this was the day of the beginning of new law that was going to restrict very hardly the form of colectivo transport? I was at the bus place at around 09.00 and ready to go on the bus at 10.00. At 10.15, when the bus arrived, it was full and could not accept any more people. The next bus was at 14.00. Then the hustle and bustle to get a colectivo started, which was not accessible do to the new law, that says only Yellow car taxi is allowed to drive tourists in colectivo. After spending two hours hustling around, there was a car that did take us further on to Cienfuegos.
When arriving in Cienfuegos, I planned to walk around and explore before going further one to Trinidad. Coming into Cienfuegos and seeing that the same law was affecting the transportation system as well, I was over Cienfuegos before even walking 10 meters in the bus station. Our plan was the bus.
The Colectivo Scam
Then our plan for some reason changed to a colectivo, I and some other travelers were put out for a small scheme, this guy giving us a price for 7 CUC per person for the colectivo, and the bus was 6 CUC. We wanted to go with the colectivo since it goes faster, then he suddenly disappeared, and we lost our bus. He made us lose the bus so he could get 10 CUC per person, after 45 minutes I negotiated a new price for 8 CUC per person and off we went with a car from 1952 on route to Trinidad. Must this day end better!
The guy in the picture was not the guy giving us the bad prices. He was the driver and was only trying to do his best, he normally worked at the hospital, but to make a bit more he sometimes drives the cars for the tourist, he had family in Sweden and the US.
The Colonial Town Everyone Loves; Trinidad
Arriving at Trinidad, we were left at the bus stop and 1000 meters to walk to my Casa. Well, it is a Cuban day, nothing is working as planned and you have to go with the flow of whatever happens, tired of haggling a new price for getting to my house, I decided to walk on my feet, but in peace. Arrived at my new Casa for the next three days, the room was a dream, and the shower was a gift of pleasure, finally a proper shower with full water pressure, a small thing, but such a delight.

The only thing you need after a long day on the road is a great shower. My afternoon was saved. I went out and had a tasty dinner and an early night in my new home.
Trinidad, what a charming town, and once again, I can feel the difference in pace from Havana to Vinales to Playa Larga and then Trinidad, a peaceful village with a relaxed atmosphere.
Playa Anacon & Hairbrush Sharing
Waking up after pretty hard yesterday, I decided it was a beach day. First, I went to Casa Norge to meet up with Marianne, a Norwegian woman that married her Cuban boyfriend. They have opened a small guesthouse as well as a travel agency for tours around Cuba. I wanted to see all the great work in action, but most of all, meeting the people and the small Norwegian community in Trinidad, Cuba. After a lovely chat with Marianne and Frøydis, I dared to confess. I had forgotten my hairbrush in Norway, and I needed to borrow a hairbrush if possible because after two hours in Havana and one hour in Vinales without success, I surrounded by the new status quo no hairbrush in Cuba, someone needs to share with me.

After brushing my hair for 10 minutes, which was one of the best things, I did that day. I went exploring the most famous beach in Trinidad: Playa Anacon. created a made camp under a tree. Then I went sunbathing and a couple of dips now and then to the ocean, that is how my first day in Trinidad disappeared. Or did it? After the beach, it was time to meet up with Casa Norge and test out the Salsa skills, which I do not have, I fake it to I some sort of making it. Dancing with the King of Salsa in Rincon was a fun experience. I Suddenly looked semi-good at dancing salsa, or at least I want to think that’s how I looked. The night ended in dancing and, of course, vitamin R.
Professional Travel Planning in Cuba
If you want professional help planning your Cuba trip, I highly recommend Cuba Wife, which has an amazing team for giving you the most memorable time in Cuba.
Marianne the Cuban wife has also an amazing Instagram profile if you want to see the inside of Cuba Life in everyday situations.
Horsebackriding to Waterfall

No Time for Sleep When Exploring
Waking up early the next day and with a tiny Resaca (hangover). I went horseback riding; little did I know that I signed up for a four hours horseback riding in the backing sun. I had some people in my group finally! Branda 73 years old and Wiliam 74 years old, I want to be this sporty and relaxed when I hit that golden age.

After two hours ride, we arrived at the waterfall, which was not a grand spectacle, but what the doctor ordered a cold swim to clear the head and cool down the body from the heating sun. That was a refreshing swim.
Sugar Plantation for The Best Juice
On our return back with the horses, we stopped on the sugar plantation farm and had a small tour of the plantation. Still, the best part was to get the natural juice directly from the sugar plants into the glasses, and then I mixed mine with passion fruit, this was delicious, right behind the best Pina colada in Cuba.

Branda and Wiliam were off the hock of the tour. I was also, but then he asked if I wanted to help bathing the horses in the river. I said yes because the horses deserved a bath after all the hard work, and I am a horse girl that loves horses. Then I went on for the next horse experience in Trinidad. My guide was, of course, a bit disappointed that I was only there for the horses, yea, the truth hurt sometimes. I don’t need a Cuban boyfriend, maybe a Cuban horse? If we married I could get his horse, he said, how kind of him;)
A small Travel Disappointment
My last day in Trinidad was spent walking around in the town and climbing up the tower to take a panorama picture of the town. At the end of my travel around Cuba, I was a bit defeated because of some of the things I wanted to do, and I was not able to do because of some poor planning or the fact that in Cuba, stuff takes time. I know now for the next time visiting Cuba that I need more days for the unexpected to happen.
The Best Pizza is the Street Pizza of Trinidad
My last night in Trinidad was not spent on any fancy restaurant. I had the best street pizza with onion and cheese. Do you know onion is extremely expensive in Cuba? I did not know that and know I feel bad asking everyone for onion on my plate. Onion is not the cheapest thing to use for adding some flavor to the food.
My Last Day in Cuba
After the last party at the Rincon bar, I went back to Havana for my last day in Cuba. I have to say that in Trinidad, some of the best highlights were the people, many beautiful, warm-hearted people. I had great conversations, and I got closer to the life of the Cuban people. Life is a struggle, and it is a continuing fight for everyday survival. The Cuban people do not complain, or at least when they don’t know you. What I loved about Cuba is the creativity of the people; they always manage to make a solution or side hustle.

Being a Tourist in Cuba is a Privilege!
I have to say that 10 Days in Cuba as a tourist is a privilege. Because I could leave the country whenever I felt overwhelmed, but the people of Cuba keep up fighting for survival. Do you know that as a Cuban, you cannot go on a boat in Cuba? If a Cuban wants to travel, they need individual licenses and a letter of recommendation from a friend in the country visiting. Being Norwegian and being able to travel the world with only my passport is a privilege!
Cuban People
I will say that the people in Cuba are knowledgeable, highly educated, and hard working. The government has a hard system controlling the people and that the poverty you see is, to a considerable degree, controlled by the government. The government gives free education and healthcare in that way the fundamental need is covered, but we are still missing a couple of steps in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. People say they need to go to Cuba before it’s changing, well I very much hope that there will be a change!
Life in Cuba
Fighting for survival every day is not easy, and a 10-day trip to Cuba is an eye-opener; it is not enough to cover the complete concept of Cuban life. I’m honored and privileged for all the people that talked to med and shared their stories and the love that they have for Cuba. The country is rich in warm and welcoming people, everyone share and helps out in Cuba, doesn’t matter if you are a friend, and neighbor our stranger. This kindness is almost forgotten in the first world today. The best way out of poverty in Cuba right now is tourism. That’s why, as a tourist, you will be treated like the Holy Grail.
My Experience in Cuba
As a solo female traveler wandering the world, I would say Cuba is a very safe and beautiful country to visit. I did all my travel planning alone and did not use any agency. I would say planning your trip alone to Cuba is possible. It was a hustle compared to other countries because the system is different. If you have a short time in Cuba, I would highly recommend considering going on an organized tour, because you will have more time to enjoy the island instead of thinking how to get around and how to get your experience in Cuba organized.
Are you more of an adventure traveler, and you are planning to go by yourself, plan some extra days for the unexpected things that most likely happen in Cuba.
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Ja jeg hadde det veldig fint, men som sagt litt utfordringer med transporten. Det er veldig trist med den nye loven da det begrenser veldig for hvem som får kjøre turister og igjen så blir det vanskeligere for folk å tjene penger på turister, og det er den beste måten på å ha nok penger til overleve på Cuba. Veldig uhedlig med matforgiftningen, jeg hadde et par dager der ting ikke var helt perfekt heller, skjønner ikke hva det var jeg spist, fordi det var jo veldig mye like mat. Men jeg fikk nesten sett alt jeg ønsket og det er jeg rimelig fornøyd med 🙂
Cuba is next 😉 Even with small phrases in Spanish you are being better than only English 😉
There are many things to see and so little time :O I had a great time in Cuba.
Thank you for reading it all 🙂
Thank you 🙂 I think this is the beginning of our friendship 🙂
I will visit Cuba again 🙂
I would lovelovelove to visit Cuba. I remember twice writing school assignments about countries, once I chose Chile, and once Cuba. Now I visited Chile last year, so it’s only fair it should be Cuba up soon. I don’t know any Spanish yet, though, so I’ve started (baby steps) to learn some. : D Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Cuba. It was an interesting read, and it sounds like there is plenty to see and do in Cuba. And the people sounds amazing!
How nice Reading this. Loved your visit. And hope to see you again one day. Happy travels beautiful girl☺️ hugs from
Det høres ut som du hadde noen fine dager på Cuba, selv om ikke alt gikk etter planen bestandig. De har altså endret reglene for transport for turister? Hm, det er det nok mange sjåfører som kommer til å tape på! Jeg skulle også gjerne hatt mer tid i landet. Jeg hadde ni dager der, men satte ny rekord i matforgiftninger med to stykker på ni dager, med fire friske dager i mellom, så da gikk det bort to hele døgn til å… Vel, du vet…