The summer season is over, and we have entered the charming and bedazzling season of colors in red, orange, yellow, and more orange. The fall season in Norway is a firework of colors. And by that, we went to our cabin at Musdalsæter Cabin Village, which is in between Hafjell and Kvitfjell. Only three hours driving from Oslo.
The Norwegian Cabin culture is stronger than ever, due to Corona and the fantastic year of 2020. We can now only be in Norway. By this, the cabins are crucial weekend getaways to staying sane during this pandemic of COVID-19.

Weekend Getaway in The Cabin
Arriving at the cabin with my sister, Lena, she was kind and picked me up in Lillehammer. I came by train to Lillehammer. And then 35 minutes later, we arrived at our cabin. It was good to be back after a break during the summer season. Our cabin in a mountain cabin is mostly used during winter, fall, and spring.
The Color of Red, The Color of Fall

We were beyond blessed by the weather this weekend, sun shinning and 16 degrees warm. What a lovely fall! We went on a new nature hike that we discovered in the area of the cabin, and the blueberries bushes had become completely sparkling red, giving us an utterly scenic landscape to walk in. In particular, the year 2020 has not been cold, and that has given a spectacular color-show in nature. I can’t remember last time the color was as vibrant as 2020. Or I do remember Patagonia in Argentina, 2020, remind me of my trip to Patagonia in 2018.

World War II Aircraft Wreck Site in Ringebu, Norway

Saturday, we went on a long trail in the stunning fall weather. We went on an 18 kilometer (11 miles) hike into the mountain. Our destination was the: Junker 52, no 1038, that disappeared Friday, 30th October 1942. Took off from Fornebu, Oslo headed to Værnes-Banak. The pilot died under the emergency landing. Four people made it to the Flyen-cabin. The aircraft wreck was found on the 3rd of November, and one injured German was found inside the wreck. The crash was probably caused by icing and poor visibility. Christ-Cross was found in a box with the abbreviation INRI meaning: Jesus Nazareus King Rex Judaorum, which again means Jesus from Nazareth King of the Jews. – From Ringebu Rotary.

Junkers Ju-52 was the most famous German transport of the war. The second world war was a tragedy as any war, and should always be remembered. When visiting the wreck site, please show respect for the two people that lost their lives in this flight crash.
Junker 52, no 1038,
That Disappeared
Friday, 30th October 1942

The Road to Junker 52, no 1038 at Ringebu, Norway
The hike to the wreck site is around 4-5 hours walking. We are starting from Ringebu, entering the road 385 towards Friisvegen by car. Parking at the mark of the track named Rondanestien (you will see many vehicles). The walk begins by passing Jammerdalsbu, a DNT Cabin at 1130 MAMSL after 1-2 Km, onwards to Sabu (halfway), and then towards the wreck site Øverlihøgda.
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