The road less traveled in Norway are many because we have tiny villages on every corner, divided by fjords, mountains, tunnels, bridges, and ferries. Some places we don’t even talk about. Some sites are “hold kjeft” places, which means places we shut up about – don’t tell anyone. I will let you in on a little secret.

Varanger, the Road Less Traveled in Norway
Varanger is one of those places that we call off the beaten track or road less traveled in Norway. Whisked away up North in Norway, you will find a humble arctic paradise yet to be discovered. Varanger is furthest away from Norway’s capital and is located in the far North East. Norway’s easternmost point is the island of Hornøya, just outside Vardø. Varanger is where you should go if you want to immerse yourself in the Arctic landscape, Sami culture and history, magical places, bird watching, whale watching, northern light, midnight sun, and most of all, reconnecting with mother nature!
Herman Melville‘s 1851 novel Moby-Dick.

Cradled in the Arctic Nature at the Heart of Varanger
A place that transforms you- reconnecting with the elements of nature, wind, sun, and the ocean. Everyone should have at least a week of Varanger every year to reset their body and mind. Breathe crisp, clean air, and feel the wind moving you carefully out and about to explore Varanger. See places like Varangerbotnen, Nesseby, Kongsfjord, Vardø, Vadsø, Berlevåg, Båtsfjord, and more: “hold kjeft” places.

The Road Less Traveled with Scenic Route of Norway
The Norwegian Scenic Route of Varanger will show you a string of coastal and fjord communities. Like the Sami, Kven, and Norwegian communities. The history of Varanger stretch from the 10 000-year-old archaeology at Mortensnes to the more recent WWII events.

Varanger Lodge with Host Edgar
If you want to stay with a knowledgeable local guide and host, you should, without a doubt, stay with Edgar. He is from the area and knows every corner of Varanger. Most of all, he is a local fisherman and has had it as his occupation out on the big seas. Edgar has now decided that he wants to show more people around his dear home, Varanger. He is all about the authentic experience! He will take you fishing king crab in the right way which is the authentic way. Edgar does not promise the catch of the day. However, he does promise authentic experience and respect for what the ocean gives that day. Edgar never takes more than he needs, which is the concept of the Sami people and many other indigenous people living with nature.

Staying at Edgar, you will be served only local ingredients, most directly from his land and never further than the Varanger peninsula. King Krab, Reindeer, Cod, local marmalades, greens, and more. The lodging at Edgar is all carved in natural material to stay in healthy, fresh air when sleeping and to have leisure time.
If you want untamed Luxury, check out: Varanger Lodge and Edgar is an expert on”hold kjeft” places, also known as a walk on the wild side. You will never know before you go.
Road Less Traveled in Norway is even Better when Traveling during Shoulder Season.
If you didnt’t know Sepetember is one of favorite months to travel in Norway. I’m still astonished by the light and the Arctic landscape Up North. Varanger has a true rawness and uniqueness that can only be found on the peninsula of Varanger.
Pauline Solheim

Kongsfjord Guest House
Immerse yourself in a nature retreat while staying at Kongsfjord Guest House. It is beautiful to stay for three days and perfect the art of doing nothing. Rambling around, watching nature, the light, the birds, the fox, or whatever moves around the land. Kongsfjord is a paradise for birdwatchers. Team up with Skua Nature if you want birdwatching and chances of seeing The Gyr Falcon, the world’s largest falcon. I had a week-long stay with Skua Nature. And at the end of the journey, I was officially tuning into a birder with bins and spotting birds for the group. I was maybe the only one that may have seen the Gyr Falcon. We will never know because no one was quick enough to check in their bins before it went. Beginner luck as a birder.


Which Burning, Drakkar Sculpture & Street Art in Vardø
Vardø is an extraordinary island that is shaped like a butterfly. Why so special? Well, it is hard to describe; it is an energy you most feel in your body. Many people come to Vardø, but then they never leave. It reminds me of the Eagles – you can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave. The island has this magnetical power that gives us all some mystery.

Steilneset Memorial in Vardø
Vardø is famous for strong women, which comes from the costal history of having the man out at sea and the women running the household. The witch burning at Steilneset was where 91 people were found guilty of witchcraft and burnt at the stake. A complete introduction to the island Frank-Cato at Amundsen explorer is a must.
Drakkar & Northern Lights in Vardø
The Sculpture of Drakkar is built with a combination of a Viking ship, whale, and tree. It was made in 2016 by three artisans from Taibola Architectures. The creation of Drakkar is a salute to the arctic, nature, and the people you find in the Artic climate zone of Vardøy.

Street Art in Vardø
Pøbel facilitated the Street Art Project and invited 11 other world-leading street artists to “Komafest” in 2012. Vardø has had a significant deprivation and a sharp decline in commercial activities and inhabitants. Due to that, large parts of the old conservation-worthy building are standing and decaying. Considerable challenges were associated with doing something about the old buildings. Pøbel decided to reawake the city.
Pøbel and his associates change the city into a living art gallery. They created a town full of marvelous wall paintings and notable quotes trying to tell a history. That could bring smiles forwards and reawaken the city to live again. “koma” means A coma state of unconsciousness where a person is unresponsive and cannot be woken. Fest – means party in Norway. So it was a Coma Party in Vardø, which means trying to do an awakening party to get the city out of a coma.

The Road Less Traveled in Norway, Varanger
The secret is out! Varanger is, for now, a road less traveled in Norway; we can not promise when this will change. Varanger is a burgeoning destination for people that wants to explore authentic local experiences. Combined with raw nature, arctic landscape, birdwatching paradise, northern light, or midnight sun. And stories around the mythical power of nature and the strong women at Vardø.

Road Less Traveled blog post in Varanger is inspired by my week-long journey in September 2022 in Varanger. Due to a field trip at my work – Up Norway, in collaboration with Skua Nature, and overnight at Varanager Lodge. My opinion is always honest and sincere.
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