Traveling first time as a solo female traveler is scary for any girl. It’s a panic attack of teetering in the unknown. I remember when I told my friend that my big first trip around the world would be as a Solo Female Traveler.
They were all “That is so brave! Are you not scared, and will you be safe?!”
I didn’t think so much about the fact that I was being a Solo Female Traveler. I was more scared of traveling and having the Courage to Travel.
Being Clumsy
I’m the most clumsy person I know! I tend to forget my passport and mix up times on flights. Sometimes a bit lost in everything. Forgetting my passport was one of my biggest concerns for traveling solo first time around the world. Furthermore, to miss important things and not get from A to B and C. I managed well; that’s the cool part!
The clichés are if I can travel as a Solo Female Traveler worldwide, so can you! Even if clumsy. All you need is to plan some key points to remember, and you will know how to reduce risk when traveling as a Solo Female Traveler first time around the world.
When traveling first time as a solo female traveler, there are vital points you must consider

I Will highly recommend Norway when Traveling first time as a solo female traveler.
1. Destination – Australia versus India
Let’s be honest just traveling alone is scary enough. You don’t need to put an extra heart attack on choosing something that will give a complete cultural shock and not give any confidence when traveling around the world by yourself. Start with baby-step and start with something familiar to own culture.
The Classic Route of First Time Traveling
An excellent first-time destination will be Europe, Norway, Greece, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand if you are a western person. These places are a good starting point for rocky teetering in the unknown. In these countries, there will be people who speak English. Thailand is one step further, also the backpacker destination number 1 in the world with all sorts of nationalities. Also, a great place to start a budget backpacking trip.
In my first time as a solo female traveler in 2014: I started in Australia, continued to New Zealand, went to Sri Lanka with my best friends, and then separated from my best friend in Thailand. This trip was an excellent way to start my solo female traveling.
2. Pre-Plan Arrival – From Airport to Accommodation
Writing down all details in a book if your battery doesn’t stay alive for the entire flight is critical. You never know when technology is going to disappoint. That is one of the most significant ways to reduce stress in your travel.
How are You Getting From the Airport to the Hostel?
What is the best option, bus or? Do the research it prepares you. Make a quick google search on how to get from the local bus station to the hostel and maybe check if the hostel has a pick up from the bus station.
If arriving by airplane: What is the best way to get from the airport to the city, should you spend money on a taxi or are their public transportation? How much will it affect the budget, your energy level, and your safety?
At the Airport You Have Easy Access to ATM
Take Cash out in the ATM at the airport to get the local currency, make sure there is some change and not only big notes (Taking out Cash in a local ATM gives the best converting rate, of course, you want the exchange to be in the local currency not in your home currency). If taking a taxi or public transportation they can have problems with changing big notes. While you are at the airport, change the big bills and buy a water bottle. Dehydration is necessary when traveling. You will now have change for the Taxi driver, which makes everything more comfortable! Nothing is more frustrating to run around in a place you don’t know to ask for changes in money.
Planning Reduce Stress
Plan your arrival before being at the airport. The first hours in a new country will be more secure and stress-free. Then you don’t end up looking like a lost puppy in the airport, where people will easily spot you and take advantage of the situation.
At departure: Always ask where you are staying. They always know the best option. I love the people at the front desk of hostels; they do fantastic jobs answering all the questions. They are the best, they have all the valuable information and knowledge about the place and by this use them for getting the best information.
3. Safety is All About Reducing Risk
When it comes to traveling for the first time as a solo female traveler, it is all about staying confident and safe when going and moving around the city & the country!
Have an Idea of Where the Destination Will Be And Where You Are Going
Suppose you don’t know where you are going or get lost. Go directly to a café or McDonald’s for FREE WiFi and find the direction to the destination of where you are going. If you get lost, don’t show it in your face that you are entirely lost in the street. Go somewhere you can be safe! And not target people who want to take advantage of the situation.
If people start to help you, think logically. How is this person behaving? Trustworthy, or does he need to relax? Where are they helping you to go? When deciding to believe that the person wants to help you, it is about trusting your gut instinct. The more you travel, the more confident you will listen to it. You should always listen to your gut instinct! Ignoring your gut instinct could mean you overlook signs of approaching danger.
Ask people, but Remember: Who are You Asking!
In western countries, people don’t need your money, and they quickly help you for free and no strings attached and no safety issue.
When I was walking in the middle of nowhere in the streets of Bangkok and was utterly lost, I found this foreign girl walking as a confident machine down the streets of Bangkok. I asked her; she put me in the right direction in no time!
In Thailand, the Thai people like to help you, but they can quickly put you in the wrong direction because they want to help, even do they don’t know the way. Then you end up walking in the wrong direction for 30 min, then get sent in a new direction again from another Thai person.
Have an idea from the map where you’re heading! Try to look up when you are walking and not lost on the phone map, and then it’s easy to take it away from you in no time or steal from the backpack.
Don’t tell that you are traveling as a solo female traveler to random people. Make up a story, your friend is currently food poisoned and is staying at the hostel. They will know if you get lost.
Have a Friend Back Home for Sharing Destination on Facebook
Sometimes we like to go on an adventure and meet up with that guy who will show this cool bar. That is great, but make sure to tell a trusted friend from home about it. They will check in with you to make sure you return as planned. If not, alarms will go off.
When you meet people, it is always nice to have their Facebook profiles. Having them on Facebook means you something about that person. Would they do something stupid? Don’t trust Facebook, but it says something about that person. Notify someone what you are doing and where. If something goes wrong, there will be alarms going off and people looking for you.
When walking the streets alone, where is the closest café, restaurant, 7eleven or Taxi place? These are things to observe and notice when walking; maybe you need to run into Café if you are getting strangely followed or something. Don’t walk in quiet streets alone. Go somewhere a lot is happening, because if you are in trouble in a crowded street and you scream, people will react. Most likely help or act!
Let me say this: the city or the country you are visiting are most likely not dangerous. If you have common sense in mind, you will be more than safe in the city you are visiting, as same as you would at home.
Pay attention to your surroundings and stay confident. Fake it if you have to!
4. Hostels and Meeting People
Traveling solo is not lonely when being in Hostels. In all my trips, I have never felt alone for a long time. Because of Hostels, they are great and have all sorts of people from all over the world. Sometimes, other solo travelers support you and maybe follow for a week or two on each other’s adventures or perhaps just one-day sightings in the city.
When Feeling Lonely
You are in power to make that change! Put yourself in social activities, sights, city tours, pub crawl, diving, or whatever you want to explore or learn. You can quickly ask new roommates if they have dinner plans in the dorm. Most of the time, you quickly end up having dinner together.
Sometimes I use Tinder, Facebook, Couchsurfing to find cool people to hang out with where I’m visiting. Or I start chatting with someone in a bar or a restaurant.
The Benefits of Traveling Solo
When there is just one person in a bar, restaurant, or activity, people start talking to that one person quickly. It is less intimidating to speak to one person than five people in a group. People are braver to speak to one person than five because it’s easier to get rejected by one person than instead of people being in a group. Inviting one person for an adventure or dinner is also more comfortable than five people.
In Playa del Carmen in Mexico was the first night I did meet this group of people – I went on a Tinder date and ended up having my best party in Playa del Carmen, living at the moment!
5. Nothing is Going to Cause You Distress
Wake up call, traveling first time as a solo female traveler will have some stress. Going solo and remembering everything by yourself can sometimes be challenging, don’t beat yourself up. If you need a day to catch up with Netflix, do it, and the next day you will be ready for new adventures. I watched the latest Fast & Furious movie in Galápagos – I know, crazy, right? It was so good; I needed it after ten days of non-stop exploring.
The Reward of Traveling Solo
Traveling solo can also be very rewarding when doing what you want and not something your friend wants to do and follow. Don’t try to do everything traveling as a solo female traveler on the first trip. Please don’t overdo it. It will kill the joy and your energy.
The Challenge of Traveling Solo
If successful as me, a chiropractor in New Zealand will be laughing at your body and asking what you did to it? I traveled as a solo female traveler, and I learned that I needed more rest days during my trip.
Traveling a long time can sometimes be a challenge for your body. Changing bed and pillow every third day can cause a lot of stress for your body, especially your back and neck. Be kind to the body and health. Traveling solo is also the most liberating thing I have done in my life. Make sure to enjoy this empowerment and freedom of traveling first time as a Solo Female Traveler.
The best thing about traveling solo is that you decide! Everything is in your term, and you don’t need to rush for anybody. If you want to be on the beach for a whole day, well that’s your choice. There is no reason to rush, no one to please. The only one you have to make sure is having fun is yourself. If you don’t like what you are doing, you can change it at any time.
Last word of advice: Plan before going.
When you are prepared, you reduce stress and have more time to enjoy yourself.
6. If Credit’s Card get Copied or Passport Stolen
Before Traveling Anywhere Make Sure to Have Plan B
You never know when there will be a bump in the road. Make sure to have more than two credit cards. If possible, have three credit cards. Once you don’t use it before, you have to use it if the other two have been copied or stolen.
Spread Credit Cards in Different Belongings
One card in the backpack, one in the day-pack, one in the handbag. If thieves manage to steal all your luggage, that is just terrible luck. The same goes for Cash; I love putting my money where I have my tampons. Hide them somewhere or everywhere, so there are multiple options when in crisis.
Get Copies of Your Passport in the Backpack, Day-pack, and Handbag
It can seriously save the day your passport gets stolen, or you have to rush for an emergency. Some places, when going clubbing in the night, they will need only a copy of your passport (Australia and New Zealand, have to bring the actual passport when clubbing). This is why there should be copies. You never know when you will be unlucky and forget the bag or get stolen. Copy of the passport, add it to the phone as well! This is also for the travel insurance document. Have it on the phone – It saved me that day I ran into the hospital in Cusco, Peru.
Screenshot everything from passport, travel insurance, and tickets. Please send it to yourself by email. Then the documents don’t get lost anywhere in the world.
7. Smile You’re Traveling
When finally doing your dream and traveling first time as a Solo Female Traveler: you should try to stay positive! A positive mind makes a world of difference. Whatever happens, will turn into a great story at some point. Enjoy the moment, laugh, and smile. In the end, it will be unforgettable memories and experiences that made an impact on your life and how you are today.
Traveling is a Privilege
Traveling is a privilege for many people worldwide; hence, you should be grateful for the opportunity you have created. Be thankful that you can travel and explore your horizon in the best way with your own eyes. Appreciate the moment of the world and the people it shares.
Are you a solo female traveler?
Is there something I should defiantly add to the list? Please share with me!
Traveling First Time as a Solo Female Traveler
Great Solo Female Travelers for Inspiration
AdventurousKate –The Queen of female solo traveling. She has all the information you need to know about having a fantastic time going solo worldwide. Kate has a funny and relevant post like:
The Secret to Solo Female Travel Confidence: Drink Champagne.
YoungAdventuress – Liz, the girl with a great heart and an active mind. She is honest about the adventures life has to offer. Liz is one of the best Ambassadors for New Zealand.
She has great stuff about becoming a travel blogger as well. We are all hoping for the breakthrough someone is giving us a reality check. Liz seems like the girl next door and that we could be good friends if we meet up somewhere in the world.
Five surprising things you learn as a Solo Female Traveler
Traveling as a Solo Female Traveler, but not Alone!
Thank you, Ingeborg! Yes I wish there are more brave girls that just do it! There are some, hopefully there will be more girls coming soon. I personally, love traveling alone. I know that sounds weird and bit lonely, I have the most fascinating encounter with people when flying solo. I think, when being solo I say: Yes to more experience, because sometimes I don’t have so much to do, compared to if I was traveling with 5 girls.
Great post, Pauline! I think there’s a lot of girls who can’t find the courage to travel by themselves, and that’s a shame! Yes, we need to take a bit more care then boys traveling alone, but the experience and everything you learn about yourself along the way is so worth it!
Thank you so much Renate and thank you for the kind words: good, honest and inspiring! It´s everything, you know that 🙂 Traveling solo has good and bad, I take them all. It’s the most liberating thing for me, to go solo. So much freedom and so many inspiring people one the way of travels and adventures.
Such a good, honest and inspiring post! I totally agree with everything. Traveling solo is not all fun and games, but as long as one takes normal precautions, it can be one of the coolest and most social things ever! 🙂