Norway is one of the best solo female traveler destinations in the world. Why is this? Is it because of the beautiful scenery of Geiranger and Fjord, Norway? Or perhaps it’s a low crime rate and the fact that almost everyone speaks English besides their native tongue Norwegian?
Norway is The Best
Solo Female Traveler Destination in 2022

First Time Traveling as a Solo Female Traveler?
If it is your first time traveling as a solo female traveler, I recommend going somewhere safe and comfortable. Because when traveling solo around the world, the most significant concern and priority for most of us is to stay safe!
Regarding staying safe, I highly recommend Norway and Northern Countries, also known as Scandinavia, because it is one of the safest places in the world regarding crime, gender equality, health, and education. We are maybe not the people who speak the loudest; we know how to respect our values and beliefs.
1. Norway named Happiest Country of 2017
Norway has been qualified to be the happiest country in the world by the United Nations. Several facts were measured: Social happiness, levels of caring, freedom to make life decisions, generosity, good governance, honesty, health, and income.
The Top 7 Happiest Countries in the World
The Top 7 Happiest = Safest Countries in the World for traveling as a solo female traveler or general traveling.
Read: Report
1 | Finland | 7.842 | 7.809 | 5,554,960 |
2 | Denmark | 7.62 | 7.646 | 5,834,950 |
3 | Switzerland | 7.571 | 7.56 | 8,773,637 |
4 | Iceland | 7.554 | 7.504 | 345,393 |
5 | Netherlands | 7.464 | 7.449 | 17,211,447 |
6 | Norway | 7.392 | 7.488 | 5,511,370 |
7 | Sweden | 7.363 | 7.353 | 10,218,971 |
Meanwhile, the United States is number 19.
If that’s not a reason to choose Norway for some exploring, let me give you some more ideas why Norway is the best solo female traveler destination in the world.

2. The Position of Females in Norway
Norway was one of the first countries to appoint Gender Equality. The view of women is why I love Norway! We have many independent women in Norway; many were known to be self-sufficient, running the family and the house independently, as Norwegian men are fishers. Norwegian women have been strong, independent, and badass for many generations. That’s how we became Viking beauty with brains and deep blue eyes.
Strong Feamle Characters in Norway
Gro Harlem Brundtland became Norway’s first female Prime Minister in 1981. She has continued as the head of the World Health Organization and continues working with different international organizations for a better future. She is one of many strong women in Norway.
Grete Waitz, our Norwegian Marathon Queen! Winning the New York Marathon nine times was a great accomplishment. The strong case for Grete was inspiring ordinary Norwegian women to get out there run a mere five kilometers. Grete had an enormous impact on the participation of Norwegian women in sports and, most importantly, their self-image.
Any female traveling to Norway is more than welcome! She will be admired for being strong, intelligent, beautiful, and independent, traveling on her one, and seeing what she likes. Everyone will help her if she asks for help!
We love the family in Norway, but we will not ask a 25-year-old girl where her husband and children are. This is very much the case in Sri Lanka. That’s how I suddenly was married, and my husband had let me travel with my best girl to Sri Lanka as my final trip before becoming a full-time wife. Of course, sometimes we tried to explain that life is different in Norway, but sometimes it was better to be “married.”

3. Low Crime Rate and Safe Streets
As a Norwegian citizen, I am spoiled. I leave the house safe, enter the streets, walk around Oslo, the capital of Norway, and am safe. I have never had an unfortunate accident in Norway regarding strolling the streets. Of course, I’m not going to lie and say everywhere is safe in Oslo and Norway. As in any city and country, there are certain places you should not walk during the dark times of the day, or if you want to stay out of trouble, don’t walk there.
In Norway, fewer than 4,000 of the country’s 5 million people were behind bars. That makes Norway’s incarceration rate just 75 per 100,000 people, compared to 707 people for every 100,000 people in the U.S. – Business Insider.

4. We Do Not have Gun’s on the Street
The police are usually not armed in Norway. When the police are not armed, the drug dealer is not armed, the criminals are not armed because no one is armed! Let’s be honest is everything scarier with a gun? It can kill! – PRI
The first time I did see a gun on the streets was in the United States of America. Or well, the first time was at the airport. I landed in Washington D.C. and was on the bus from the airplane to the terminal. I encountered two persons from the army, each holding a machine gun!? That was my first meeting in America as a 12-year-old girl.
Las Vegas massacre becomes America’s 273rd mass shooting in 275 days
Check out this video of Michael Moore in Norway.
5. Men are Less Aggressive
Norwegian men have high standards when it comes to respecting women. Powerful women have raised the Norwegian men. Since childhood, they have been taught that their mum and sister are to be respected; the same goes for every woman out there.
Nobody Puts Women in a Corner!
They will never comment – be catcalling you in the street. If the man does catcall, the man is not Norwegian. They are in Norway but not Norwegians. They will not make a rude comment because if they will, a Norwegian woman would tell him straight away what a joke he is to assault women, and other men would support the women!
Nightlife in Norway
Being in a bar in Norway alone can be fun but sometimes challenging. Norwegian man, respect that you want to be alone. If you see a handsome Norwegian Viking with beautiful blue eyes and you would like to talk to him? Well, you better get over there and start the conversation; then, he will know that you want his attention. Welcome to Norway, where women take the lead. Sometimes incredible, sometimes a bit frustrating coming from a Norwegian girl but maybe a refreshing experience for non-Norwegians.
Then again, Norwegian women take what they want; we don’t wait either, should you! Go for it if you wish for a Norwegian man. Another fun fact about women traveling to Norway is that the Land of the Vikings is ‘the horniest country in the world.’
6. Everyone speaks English more or less
Why are Norwegians and Scandinavian countries damn good at speaking English? First of all, everything initially in English stays on Norwegian Television. I learned English from Friends, the 70 shows, and other remarkable American films, and of course, I did my homework in English class.
I’m not a superhuman language genius; I’m still trying to learn Spanish, which is easy. I, the Norwegian girl, learned English more or less right because of my school. In Norway, we have an education system that makes it a requirement to learn a second language while at school, and nowadays, you have to have a third language, either French, German or Spanish.
Language is Mandetory at Norwegian Schools
Studying English at the age of 7 and then finishing High School at the age of 18 is more or less a decade of learning English. That’s why Scandinavian people speak English well.
When you are 12-13 years old, Norwegians will be starting their third language. I ended up in handcrafts since I wouldn’t say I liked the German language. Silly me! Then again, in high school, I started Spanish at the age of 16. I’m still 25 years old and have not completed the Spanish language. In 2017, I will complete the Spanish language.
The Art of Diplomacy in Norway
Arriving in Norway and asking for directions in English will never be assumed rude. Norwegians are all about diplomacy and a flexible approach; we will even speak English with our Norwegian friends to include you in our conversation. If we talk Norwegian, it is not to be rude, and it’s because the information has no added value for you.
7. Staggering Natural Beauty
I have given many answers on why: Norway is The Best Solo Female Traveler destination! When you don’t have to worry about safety and wonder how I would feel about being in that country, then there is time to figure out how I can explore the country. Norway has a beauty that is undoubtedly one of the most scenic places on Earth.
Lush Landscape & Serene Sites for the Eyes
Natural wonders in every corner and fjord, fascinating history, and did I mention thrilled people, like me:) Take part in what makes us happy! I would recommend two weeks in Norway. I’m coming from Fjord, Norway; I would say visit the famous Geiranger Fjord, hike Lauparen in the Alps of Sunnmøre, explore Oslo, the capital of Norway, go road tripping in Northern Norway and don’t forget to visit Aalesund and Bergen! Or go completely off the beaten track and discover Hoddevika Beach.
The important things: How to Pack to Norway from a Norwegian girl.

Norway: The Best Solo Female Traveler Destination
Why can I – A Norwegian girl at the age of 25, say that Norway is the best solo female traveler destination. Because I have traveled as a solo female traveler worldwide and have been reducing and handling risks in many different countries and cultures, I’m not saying this because Norway is my country. I’m saying this because I want you to feel safe at your destination as a Solo Female Traveler. Read more about my solo adventures.
Some places are more safe than other
Some countries are better than other nations when traveling as a solo female traveler. I have relaxed about safety in Sweden, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand. Countries that had to be on guard for my safety were Argentina, Colombia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. It combines culture, language, people, and overall wealth.
In countries where people are satisfied with their lives, there is a lower risk of being put at risk. Where people see an opportunity to you as a solo female traveler or tourist, there is a higher chance of getting in an uncomfortable situation. I have asked taxi drivers in Latin America to put me off in the middle of some random street due to not feeling safe. I have been “married” in Sri Lanka in the hope of gaining respect for being someone’s woman (it worked).
In Norway, I can be me! I can be 25 years old and eager to explore life, meet new people, and be safe. Being myself is why I love Norway as the Best Solo Female Traveler Destination.

Tusen takk for det 🙂
Flott innlegg om Norge 🙂