Short of travel does not necessarily mean fewer memories! The travel year 2018 has been filled with rich memories and best of all being with people I love and care for, and sometimes that’s all you.

The Travel Year 2018 Highlights
The travel year 2018 has been great in the way of finally going back to a country I love, but other than that, the travel year 2018 has been short on travels, due to living in Madrid and graduating with my Master’s degree in Project Management. Being a student and looking for a new job, do not make it the best time for traveling the world.
I continued my student life in Madrid, which was a complicated relationship. I love Madrid as a city, but sometimes I struggle with the environment of the city because it is capital and people are hustling around and sometimes they do forget there manners and the kindness of being polite. The city is constantly struggling with being a kleptomaniac. I do still love the way of living in Madrid. That there is a pub in every corner in Madrid, the city has the highest density of bars in Europe. I do long for eating breakfast at Cafe Federal and walk the streets of Malasana.

Friends Visiting Madrid
The best part of studying abroad, people come and visit you! I had friends coming over to Madrid, I was showing them some of the hidden secrets in Madrid, with other words so much more than Plaza del Sol.
Aida & Denis are bartenders we went bar hopping in Madrid, which means great tasty cocktails, that will give you some fun hours in the city of hustling and bustling around

What a great month! The winter is ending, and spring is arriving. More friends are visiting me in Madrid. My two lovely girls Julie from Norway and Heidi from Finland decided that March was the perfect month to escape from cold winter Norway and – 10 degrees.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
When the girls are in town, It was time to be the most vibrant travel guide, I could be. Try to make them see that Madrid, can be as thrilling as any other city in the country. Spain is more than just Barcelona. We went to Mercado San Miguel a food market where you can drink while walking around choosing what to eat! Great concept.
Then we went wining and dining around the city of Madrid. We even went to the Reina Sofía museum, which is great if you have a love for contemporary art and sometimes a level of things you don’t understand yet. It was great visiting Pablo Picasso for an hour or was it five?
Cabin at Winter Wonderland Tretten
Sometimes I need small city escape. Who had known that this girl, started longing for nature deeply? Madrid is very much a city and do not offer the same level of nature that maybe a Norwegian girl need? And by this Dad picked me up at the Oslo airport, we went to the Cabin.
The travel year 2018, must have some cabin time. As any other year. Dad and
Gran Canaria & Sun
If you are living in Madrid, why not go to Gran Canaria for the weekend? Just escape the winter and get a small hint of sun and maybe a tan? That’s what we did. My classmates Amanda from Puerto Rico in the Caribbean and Bea from Germany was lucky to discover the wonder of Puerto Rico in Gran Canaria. We had a couple of days in the sun, which was much needed.
Family and Friends Visiting Madrid
Mum, Ottar, Eva & Nils arrived to Madrid at the end of the March. It was time to be a travel guide again. The fun thing about family and friends visiting the city, was that I was doing some classic things for them all, but also something special for each group.
It was Easter when Mum, Ottar, Eva & Nils where visiting, we went to the Cathedral of Almudena. Firstly to show the magnificent architecture and secondly, we were surprised with a full ceremony of priest and nuns singing for the Easter. Little did I know this was going to be the highlight of the trip. Ottar usually don’t go inside churches do the principals, he was the person that was cherishing the moment the most, which came as a pleasant surprise. The acoustics of the building and the singing gave us goosebumps.
At the end of April, I decided that due to a lovely tax refund from the Norwegian government, it was time to go back to Argentina. I left Argentina in 2015, after living there for almost six months of studying and exploring. I studied Sustainability Management and Spanish, at the University of Buenos Aires. Palermo neighborhood was my home in Buenos Aires. Now it was time to go back, saying hello to old friends and discovering some parts of Argentina, that has been a dream, but this time becomes a reality
Buenos Aires, Friends with Steaks & Malbec Wine
Being back in Buenos Aires, was strange, but in a good way. The city is there, but the people have gone forward with life, even my favorite ice cream shop has been replaced for a new favorite on the block. When we all sat down in our favorite spot in Palermo Hollywood for some steaks, the atmosphere and the love was still the same, but my dear Vicky with a babe on the lap and ring on the finger, and a delightful husband on her right side. That is the beauty of life! And a good Malbec it keeps evolving with flavors of life.
Patagonia Argentina
Life is good, especially on the days where a long time dream is coming true. When I left Argentina in 2015, I did not visit Patagonia, but for an excellent reason. I knew I would go back for Patagonia Argentina one time in my life. Now the time had arrived. Patagonia for five exciting days! I was nervous about the time frame, the weather and my new mountain shoes. In the end, it all went fine.
On our first day of the hike, we were spoiled with crispy clear air with blue skies and the sun coming up from behind the mountains. The hike to Fitz Roy was going to be a spectacular site. Sebastian my hiking buddy from Santa Fe Argentina and I were enjoying the 22 kilometers of hiking in pristine weather, and landscape.
My trip to Argentina was my only solo travel this year that was significant. I very much appreciated those days alone, reconnecting with myself and my needs and wishes for the future. Furthermore reassuring myself, that I can still be a smart, strong and independent traveler.
Summer, finally! People in Madrid are very much more at the streets and drinking canas (beers) in each Plaza that offer this great culture of Spain.
The Travel Family
My best friends Louise, Karsten and Alba from home are visiting me in Madrid, for some days of exploring. When the city is explored with a kid on the loose, everything is more adopted towards being child friendly. Alba, is the coolest kid on the block, she has already been to five countries in the world she is going to be a globetrotter before 18 years old.
Madrid is child-friendly if you make it, because on almost each Plaza the kid can play, and the parents can take a beer or a glass of wine and still be fine. Spanish people love children; they have nothing against parents taking a break either. The child will not be sccared for life because mum had one glass of wine.
Road Trip to Cuenca
We went road tripping to Cuenca. And little did we know that it was going to be the most charming city we visit on our 72 hours of road tripping. We also visited Alcalá de Júcar, which is famous for caves inside the mountains. Which was fun for me, and more of workout for my friends and the stroller, but very much fun.

Our last night was in Calpe at the beach, we had lovely paella and saltwater in the hair. Which is all I need in a day.
Did you know that Valencia is just a three hour car ride from Madrid? With other words a perfect city escape from Madrid and its heated buildings in the summer.
Nothing better than being on the beach soaking in vitamin C and then have a fresh seafood lunch at the beach. Valencia is the perfect weekend escape from Madrid, or truth to be told I would prefer Alicante.
Was a hectic month of getting it all done at EAE Business School.

Master’s Degree in Project Management
I know it’s not traveling, but it is travel of life and an essential milestone in my life. My Mum, Sister, Grandma, and Auntie visited me for the special day of graduating from EAE Business School. It was a weekend of celebrating, but also the weekend of giving my family a tour of my life in Madrid and letting them see the inside of my nomadic life. I’m proud of Grandma for traveling all the way to Spain for seeing me graduating. She is a hero.
Trondheim & Summer Job
I went to Trondheim, to help out a co-worker with her location in the city. I haven’t been in Trondheim since I was a child, with other words do not remember it. Better take the opportunity to explore!
Trondheim is a cute and charming city, with some really great places to eat! Maybe the highest density of supreme places to eat in Norway. A fact I found out after being there and exploring the city.
I fell in complete love with Lade Trail, a nature trail going at the coastline of the city. Probably suffering from Madrid, and the no surroundings of the ocean. By that, I was catching up with salty ocean air in Trondheim, which was like using nose spray without using it.
Maybe one of the best months to be in Norway, except precious May which also is an excellent month to be in Norway.
The Famous Hike of Besseggen
We decided to have a family adventure, and there is nothing better when you have the opportunity to do something together with the family. We went hiking the famous Besseggen and Grandpa that is 79 years old completed the hike with us. An excellent day for making dreams come true! We have been talking about doing this hike for ten years, and finally, we did it.
Our next goal is to hike the spectacular Romsdalseggen.
Friends Visiting Oslo
Sometimes you are not the one traveling but are having the privilege to show friends from around the world the city of your home, which in my case is Oslo the capital of Norway.
It is also a great month in Norway. I went home to where I was raised. It is good to go home and reconnect with the roots sometimes. Understand even more about who you are.
That is the name of my little village at the coast of the furious Stadt ocean. I love it when you feel the ocean breeze, and when you see the weather change and when you don’t know how the weather will be. I like it when I have to wait and see how it will be. September is all about harvesting the good from the summer, blueberries, raspberry, and apples.
I traveled to my second home, which is Ålesund. I visit grandma and grandpa. Then grandpa and I went hiking in the
The Travel Year 2018
That was the travel year of 2018, it was maybe not many countries neither many new cultures. I had a charming year with many great memories. The best of all this travel year 2018, I had many travel experience with family and friends, which was a delightful change for a solo traveler. Even do my trip to Argentina was my favorite adventure wise and maybe my highlight this year, I do still love all the other experience as well. It has been a pleasure!
I thank all the people that have been a part of my life this year. Making it fun and exciting and sometimes a challenge. Life is thrilling. Take care and be safe! I wish you all the best for the New Year!! Sending the hopes of peace, love and prosperity, and of course great adventures!
Blessings in 2018
- Living & Studying Abroad in Madrid the Capital of Spain
- Graduating with a Master’s Degree in Project Management
- Studying & Practicing Spanish
- Traveling to Argentina
- Hiking Besseggen
- Staying more or less Healthy
- Spending Generous Time with Family & Friends
- Still Being Me
It’s Time for New Adventures
I’m coming 2019
Have you decided for any travel plans for the new year?
Happy New Year!
Tusen takk for det! Så veldig hyggelig at du likte det jeg hadde å si om turen min til Argentina. Håper du har hatt det supert på tur! 🙂
Så mange fine reiseminner du har samlet i året som gikk! Det var fint å høre deg fortelle om Argentina på Reiseprat 😊 Godt nytt reiseår! Hilsener fra Malaysia 😊
Thank you, Desirée 🙂 Grandpa is super sporty! I hope for the same level of fitness when I’m at his age. You have so many fun things planned ahead!! I’m looking forward to following! I want to book things soon!! 🙂 Happy New Year!
It surely looks like 2018 was a great year for you, Pauline, even though you did not go to a huge amount of countries. I also don’t think that would be the important part – you lived in Madrid! You got a degree! You had beautiful memories made with friends and family (how sporty is your grandfather, hiking to Trolltunga? I’m impressed!) And Argentina definitely looks like a dream! 🙂 So far in 2019 I’ve planned a trip to Beitostølen, to Chile and to Thailand. 😀 What about you? =)
Happy new year!