I love traveling AirBnB, because it gives me the experience on how it is to live like a local in the place I’m visiting. This is way I want to share this free Giveaways with AirBnB travel credit. I think it is a great way to make more people travel. Not everybody can afford a 5 star hotel. This is why I love travling AirBnB it gives you so many options. One of my best experience with AirBnB was in Playa del Carmen. I had a great room and a host that gave me all the inside tips on were to go and what to see. If you are having trouble finding an affordable hotel in the city you are visiting, I would recommend you to check out AirBnB, it is safe and easy. Great way to see the city and living like a local.
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If you are traveling solo, a hotel room can be a bit boring. When renting a room in a house, you are more likely to have a lovely talk with the people you are renting the room from. Of course this you can decide yourself. If you like to be social, don´t want to spend the money on an expansive hotel room, but more on the city. Then I think traveling AirBnB can be checked out as a good option for your accommodation.
In Buenos Aires, I rented a room for 3 months, it was in the great neighborhood of Palermo. Enjoyed so much the house, it was very Argentinean with a Parilla and a roof top. My roommates were a mix of Europe and Latin America.
Traveling AirBnB in Buenos Aires was the best decision for my long-term stay in the city
My room for 3 months living in Buenos Aires
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I love using booking.com when I’m having more money to spend on accommodation. After becoming genius member (After booking number 10) there is a great choice of secret deals, 10% discount on all booking and benefits when doing check-in the hotel.
Ja det kan det så absolutt være! Om man skal være lenge på en plass og trenger et budget så er det et supert alternativ. Selvfølgelig noen gang er det digg med hotell. Jeg syns AirBnB er en bedre måte å gi tilbake til lokalbefolkningen, da det ikke er stor hotellkjeder som får pengene. Vanlig mennesker som ofte får stor glede og nytte av de pengene man legger igjen 🙂 Samt man lever blant de lokale:) Og får ofte de beste tipsene til å oppdage stedet 🙂
Jeg har egentlig aldri brukt AirBnB. Men jeg tror jeg må begynne å sjekke ut Airbnb før jeg bestiller hotell, kan jo både være bedre og billigere alternativer!
Vi får vente å se om du får testet ut AirBnB 🙂 Jeg er helt AirBnB frelst og syns det er et genialt konsept som ofte gir deg en mer geunine opplevelse av stedet og folket. Nå gleder jeg meg til å lese om Cuba reisen din!! 🙂
Kult konsept! Jeg har enda ikke testet ut AirBnB, men har vært inne på siden mange ganger og det virker som det er utrolig mange fine steder som leies ut. Etter å ha bodd hjemme hos folk disse to ukene på Cuba, har det absolutt gitt mersmak!