The Valley of Aurland is a little piece of Norway. One of the most bespoke journeys if you love to immerse yourself in waterfalls, lush valleys, serene nature, and breathtaking surroundings. You can either do the three-day hike from Finse to Vassbygdi. I will elaborate more on the tenderloin hike starting from Østerbø til Vassbygdi. Many people vote for that leg of the journey as the most pristine one. If you are doing only one leg, then do the Østerbø to Vassbygdi hike.
If you are staying in Flåm, you may want to read: 7 Great Things to do in Flåm.

Hike the wild Valley of Aurland or as named in Norwegian: Aurlandsdalen.
If you did not know, dalen means valley; by this, you get Aurlandsdalen. By starting your hike in Østerbø, you will dive right into the beautiful natural phenomena of Aurland and Norway
Lodging & Dining While Hiking Valley of Aurland
From Flåm to Østerbø, you can take the bus with Norway’s Best, if you are spending a day in Flåm before embarking on this great hike in the valley of Aurland. Before you hike, you can stay at Flåm, Aurland, our Østerbø. We decided to have our lodging at Østerbø; you can either stay at Aurlandsdalen DNT Cabin or Østerbø mountain lodge. In those cabins, they offer a three-course meal for dinner and all your needs for a weekend in the mountains. Another place to stay in Aurland is Hotel Aurlandsfjord and in Flåm Fretheim Hotel. A budget-friendly place to stay in Flåm is at Flåmsbrygge.

Hiking from Østerbø to Vassbygdi in the Valley of Aurlandsdalen
Early morning rise, breakfast at 07.30. Hiking at 08.00 in the morning. Make sure you reach the bus back up again to Østerbø. If you are not spending another night in Østerbø, you can send your main luggage with the bus down to Vassbydi, and it will await you there. You can only go hiking with a daypack in the Valley of Aurland, which is recommended, due to slippery stones and some step passing, where a heavy backpack will impact your knees.

From Østerbø to Vassbygdi, you will hike 19 kilometers which is 12 miles.
That is around 30 000 steps to walk to the valley of Aurland from Østerbø to Vassbygdi. Enjoy the next six-eight hours walking in a pristine landscape filled with wild mountains, rivers, and roaring waterfalls. Take time to enjoy the scenery and the different viewpoints along the road. In many places, you will find information plates that will give you information about the fauna and the history of other sites along the trail.

Toilet in the Valley of Aurland if “Nature Calls”
You are now in the middle of mother nature, so toilet facilities will be limited. If you need to go, please remember to bring a plastic bag to take the paper back home. Preferably leave no trace. Remember, along the trail, there are not so many places to go to the toilet because you are very close to other hikers. However, some outhouses (outdoor toilets) have been placed along the trail if you need to sit down and do business. Hikers can use some humble compost toilets with fabulous views if “nature calls.” You will also find a sanitary facility at the service station in Vassbygdi.

Fitness for Hiking the Valley of Aurlandsdalen
Suppose you have never hiked before, then I do not recommend hiking the valley of Aurland. Hiking the canyon of Aurland is demanding even for experienced hiking Norwegians. The hike is demanding and has varied terrain, from slippery stones to deep steps to get down the valley. Please be in good physical shape before embarking on the hike of Aurlandsdalen. If you struggle with your knees, this is not a hike for you. Please bring walking poles to support your knees. I hiked this hike at 30 years old, and my knees were very tired at the end of the hike, and I don’t have any knee issues. You can always walk the trail in reverse and walk uphill from Vassbygdi to Østerbø. However, both ways will require up and downhill climbing.

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